Saturday, August 4, 2007

12番目:ジャンヌダルク - Love is Here


まだ 届かなくて もどかしくて こんなに傍にいるのに
口づけても 口づけても 響かない。。。
Even though I still can't reach you, raise your head, and just like this I'm with you
Even if you kiss me, even if you kiss me, it won't return

君はなぜ その総てを 見せはしない?
どれくらい 強くなれば 君を救える?
人波の中 孤独に溺れたんだね
君が望むなら 差し伸べ続けるよ
Why can't you let yourself realize everything you are?
How many people, if they gathered all their strength, would it take to save you?
In the middle of a crowd, you were drowned in loneliness, weren't you?
If you wish, reach out your hand and keep on going

まだ 届かなくて もどかしくて こんなに傍にいるのに
一人で 泣かないで ほら瞳閉じて感じる
温かな 手を掴んで 離さない。。。
Even though I still can't reach you, raise your head, and just like this I'm with you
Even if you embrace me, even if you hold me, your heart still can't reach me
Don't cry alone, look, close your eyes and feel it
The warmth of my hand taking yours, we can't be divided...

眠れない 静かな夜 月のシルエット
哀しみを 隠したまま 君が笑った
傷跡がまだ イタくて 泣いてたんだね
君が望むなら 呼びかけ続けるよ
I can't sleep in the quiet night, the silhouette of the moon
Sometimes, hiding your sorrow, you smiled
Since your scars still hurt, you've been crying, haven't you?
If you wish, call out for me and keep on going

見せかけ じゃなくて 夢じゃなくて 本当の君に逢いたくて
口づけても 口づけても 心に響かない
一人で 泣かないで ほら耳すませば聞こえる
僕の声 君を呼んで すぐ傍に。。。
It's not pretend, it's not a dream, I actually met the real you
Even if you kiss me, even if you kiss me, it won't echo in your heart
Don't cry alone, look, if you listen carefully, you can hear
My voice, calling out to you, always near...

誰かに逢いたいのに 一人になりたかったんだね
望まないとしても 差し伸べ続けるよ
When you want to meet someone, you become alone, don't you?
Even if you don't want to, reach out your hand and keep going

まだ 届かなくて もどかしくて こんなに傍にいるのに
一人で 泣かないで ほら瞳閉じて感じる
温かな 手を掴んで 離さない。。。
Even though I still can't reach you, raise your head, and just like this I'm with you
Even if you embrace me, even if you hold me, your heart still can't reach me
Don't cry alone, look, close your eyes and feel it
The warmth of my hand taking yours, we can't be divided...

Not my translation though.
Credits goes to Kiku

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